Note: In order to use the spreadsheet examples, you need to download Business Functions | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
FAvRateTD (Amount, MargRates, [RateFromThresholds], [RateFromDates], InputDateValue) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Average Rate (Time Dependent). Calculates the average tax rate given a series of marginal tax rates effective FROM certain dates and FROM, or ABOVE certain thresholds | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This function is like FAvRate with the extra dimension of time. The marginal rates are effective FROM or ABOVE certain thresholds and FROM certain dates. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Features | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
F... | Rates pertain to the time after each corresponding from date | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
...TD | Time Dependent | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Key Points | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Which Way Round to Input the ØMarginalRatesØ Matrix?
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Things To Watch Out For | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Both the Dates and the Thresholds have the "From" designation, meaning that each marginal rate applies from a certain date and from (ie above) a certain threshold. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Example |