Business Functions Library for Excel

    1. Version 1.67
    2. Version 1.66
    3. Version 1.65
    4. Excels Dynamic Array Formula and the Mysterious @ sign
    5. Version 1.63
    1. Library Only Install
    2. Manual Install
    3. What does the install program do?
    4. Now supporting 64 bits!
    1. New Web site virtually completed
    1. Installer error: if you get 'Access denied'
    2. BF and 64 bits
    1. Error Reports
    2. BF and 64 bits

Version 1.66

Fri 22 Dec 23

Mainly a recompile with latest Microsoft C++ 17.8. Fixed a bug in the menu dropdown for Daycount -slightly cosmetic change didn't change operation of the library per se - but was confusing.

Business Functions Ltd, London, UK Website Design: Webpure