Business Functions Library for Excel

    1. Version 1.67
    2. Version 1.66
    3. Version 1.65
    4. Excels Dynamic Array Formula and the Mysterious @ sign
    5. Version 1.63
    1. Library Only Install
    2. Manual Install
    3. What does the install program do?
    4. Now supporting 64 bits!
    1. New Web site virtually completed
    1. Installer error: if you get 'Access denied'
    2. BF and 64 bits
    1. Error Reports
    2. BF and 64 bits

Manual Install

Mon 21 Nov 11

Installing BF is usually a matter of simply downloading and run the main .exe install file on the download page.

IF you don’t see BF next time you open up Excel, then for some reason the automatic install hasn't worked and you need to manually register BF with Excel, which is not hard.

How do you know if you can see BF? Well, firstly you should see a menu that adds itself onto the Excel menu. In Excel 2007 and later, there are 2 sections added to the ribbon 'BF Library' and 'BF Utilities'. Also, you can test for the existence of the library itself by invoking a function, for example, typing into a blank cell =DpY(2015,1). If you can't do either of these things, we need to try a manual install as follows:

  1. Go to the Excel Addins section of Excel. This is under File/Options/Addins, and right at the bottom there is Manage Excel Addins. In some versions of Excel the wording is slightly different, and of course might be in in a language other than English. You need to get to the section on Excel Addins.
  2. Make sure there is no BF installed already by unchecking any Business Functions entries that are there. If you have to uncheck anything, close Excel and restart again. Don't ask me why you have to do this but it helps.
  3. In Excel Addins, Browse to to the folder where BF is installed (usually program files/business functions)
  4. Select the file called Busfun (Microsoft Excel Add-In). Its full name of the file is busfun .xlam. For Excel 2003 and previous the file you want is busfun .xla. For Excel 2007 and later it is busfun.xlam. Click on that and you should be done.
  5. When you have finished and close the addins dialog, you should see the BF menus within Excel.
  6. If, for any reason, that file does not successfully get registered with Excel and you really need to get going quickly, there is an alternative. You can simply register the raw BF library without the menus as a Library Only Install. To do this you would, from the Manage Excel Addins dialog, browse to the file called busfun.xll and register that.
  7. The final test of whether BF is, in fact, installed and registered properly is to try a function, so you could for example, type into a blank Excel cell =Dpy(2015,1).

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