Real Estate Projections is a category that has specialised projections functions for the analysis of commercial property. Although the functions contained are often very like functions in other categories, particularly like the Stepped Rate Projections functions such as TStep and TStepGrowMkt, the Real Estate functions are particularly designed for situations that that feature a review to market. Some features, like the Net Effective Rate Discount mechanism, these are unavailable in the generic Stepped Rate functions.
There are 6 families in this category:
- The Rent family has the basic rent functions that don"t have any need for a stepped rent profile (eg RentGrow) as well as the functions for determining the NextReview and LastReview.
- The Rent From family has functions for calculating stepped rents, either without any market review (eg FStepRent) or the more usual case where market reviews start at the end of the stepped rent period (eg FStepRentGrow). Each stepped rent runs from the corresponding from date.
- The Rent To family is just like the Rent From family, but where the dates governing the steps are "To" dates, ie the corresponding rent runs until the to Date.
- The Rent Reletting family has version of the Rent From and Rent To family that relet, with void periods, rent-free etc.
- The Index Rent deals with rents that primarily grow in line with indexation, but these functions also deal with open market reviews.
- The NPV Rent Projections family calculates net present values of certain rent functions (eg PVTStepRentFcst calculates the NPV of PVTStepRent).
- The ÅValuationÅ family which has functions for calculating property yields and valuations using the conventional form of property math used in the UK.
- The ÅValuation DCFÅ family which has functions for calculating property yields and valuations using our own DCF-derived math, guaranteed to be consistent with conventional financial annuity mathematics.