The Date and Time category is about manipulating and presenting dates, in particular:
- Date Information, which is about information about dates (eg IsLeap), representing dates (eg DYear), simple date identities (eg DaysInMonth), and week numbers (eg WeekNumberToDate).
- Date Difference, which is about determining the time difference between two dates, either in a basic way with functions like DiffY and DiffM, or a more detailed way (using daycount) with functions like DiffYX and DiffMX.
- Date Increment, which is about finding the next or previous date, with reference to another date and a time difference or annual date sequence (see "Annual Date Sequences").
- Time Period, which is about determining the length of a time period (in Business Functions time periods are specified by two variables Time and Base). The functions in this family are similar to those in the Date Difference family.