Business Functions Library for Excel

      1. Getting Started
      2. Using The Help File
      3. Top Dozen Functions
      4. Golden Rules
      5. Excel 2007
      1. Go To
      2. Function Selector
      3. CalculateFull
      4. Calculate WorkSheet
      5. Trace Facility
      6. Quick Paste Example
      7. Tutorials
      8. Function Finder
      9. Examples
      10. Help
      11. Excel"s Function Wizard
      12. Access Internet
      13. Usage of Functions (Audit)
      14. Uninstall
      1. Time Periods
      2. Inclusive and Exclusive Dates
      3. Using Daycount
      4. Examples of DayCount
      5. Annual Date Sequences
      6. ProjMode and Inclusive Dates
      7. Date Rolling Convention
      1. Rate Projections Functions Walkthrough
      2. Accruals and Cash
      3. Repeating Formulae
      4. Range Names and References
      5. Optional Parameters
      6. Using PmtsPerYear
      7. Modelling Seasonality
      8. Calculating Interest
      9. Using Business Functions in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)
      10. Array Functions
      11. Volatility
      12. Annual Equivalent Rates
      13. Array Function
      14. Auto Multi Functions
      15. Variable Plurality
      16. GoalSeek
      1. Introduction To the Worked Examples
      2. Daycount
      3. General Projections
      4. Business Plans
      5. Cashbasis And Periods
      6. Using Timebases
      7. Using Dates
      1. How To Generate a time scale for a structured financing
      2. How To Project Rents off a Rental Forecast
      3. How To Run a model on different time bases
      4. How To Isolate The Cause of a Errors in Cells using Trace
      1. Introduction to the Utilities
      2. Audit
      3. Synchronized Range Insert/Delete
      4. Database Edit
      5. Insert Macro Button
      6. Link Analyser
      7. Range Describer
      8. PrintScript (beta)
      9. Create Local Range Name
      1. Number Formats
      2. Apply BF"s Color Palette
      3. Bullets
      4. Color Cells
      5. Conditional Formats
      1. Validation DropDowms
      2. Validation Standards
      1. Select Excel Function
      2. Array Function Tools
      3. Sort Sheets
      4. Range Value
      5. Named Range Manager
      6. Enforce WorkBook Settings
      7. Monte-Carlo
      8. TimeChart
      1. The ".ini" file
      1. Forum
      2. Online Help
      3. Templates
      1. Conversion of Input Strings to Values
      2. List of Holidays
      3. Acknowledgements and Trademarks
      4. Published Editions Changes in Behaviour
      5. Range Handling And Constraints
      6. Dates in Excel and Business Functions
      7. Old Composite DayCount Format
      8. DayCount in Excels"s Functions
      1. NPV of Annual To Periodic CashFlows - CorrectionM
      2. Interest - Simple, Annual, Continous and Discount Factors
      1. New Functions
      2. Obsolete Functions
      3. Discontinued Functions
      4. Deprecated Functions
    How to use BF"s no-frills Monte-Carlo Simulator
    Business Functions contains a basic but powerful Monte Carlo simulation system comprising:
    • Monte-Carlo probability functions in the Monte Carlo family. A very useful and simple function called Distribution is the best bet for specifying variables as it handles several distributions. You can also use the distribution functions in Excel too, such as Normal or GammaDist. Look also at PartialDependency for partially dependent variables, DistCumulative for a cumulative probability distribution and DiscreteOutcome for a discrete outcome distribution.
    • A Monte-Carlo simulation tool on the menu. This script based tool allows you to run and store all Monte-Carlo variables and calculate means, percentiles etc. There is no graphic output from Monte-Carlo - this is something we think you are better placed to do, if you so wish. (There are other proprietary Monte-Carlo products on the market that provide excellent graphical output.)

    The best way to see how Monte-Carlo works is to look at the Monte Carlo example from the Examples menu.

    Monte-Carlo Syntax
    • Each Monte-Carlo simulation requires a worksheet dedicated to it
    • The Monte Carlo script starts in cell A1.

    Column 1Column 2Column 3 and beyond
    > Comment
    INPUTPASSESNumber of Simulation Passes
    SEEDThe Random Number Seed (Optional)
    VARIABLESAny number of output variables, as cell references or formulae
    CONDITIONSAny number of TRUE/FALSE formulae or references to formulae. If any condition is FALSE, the simulation pass is resampled
    SHEETSheetName (optional, if omitted or "ALL" all workbooks will be recalculated on each simulation
    SHEETSList of SheetNames in cells 3,4,5 etc (optional, if omitted or "ALL" in cell 2 all workbooks will be recalculated on each simulation
    PERCnn (PERC00=0% percentile, PERC100=100% percentile)
    HISTxx-yy (HIST 0-10 = hits between 0 and 10, HIST 200-300 = hist between 200 and 300 (Note: for more than output variable where the quantum of the results is different, HISTxx is a bit problematic, we are looking at alternative methods of creating the frequency histogram).
    Results for each variable listed down the page

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