- The first thing you need to do for a structured financing is generate the timebase for the financing. It"s best to do this by formulae, rather than by just typing, because then you might be able to re-use the model for other financings.
- There are a couple of function families, called the Date Increment and Business Days families, that have functions useful for this purpose.
- There are simple ones, like DpM(TheDate, Months) which simply increment a date by a period of time, perfectly adequate for setting up a budget or cash flow timescale.
- One of the most powerful and flexible functions is NextDateSeqBD(TheDate, AnnDateSeq, [SpecificDates], [BusDaySwitch]). This is really tailor made for setting up the timebases of finance leases, securitisations, loans, etc. You can set the basic annual date sequence in AnnDateSeq and then put an initial date into a cell. Thereafter, refer to the preceding cell will cause the function to pick off the next date in the sequence. Using SpecificDates enables you to insert special "one-off" dates into the timescale. Finally BusDaySwitch enables you to roll forward to the next working day - you can even stipulate public holidays such as the NYSE or the UK. Refer to the documentation for the function and its similar siblings for more detail.