- Rate Projections Functions Walkthrough
- Accruals and Cash
- Repeating Formulae
- Range Names and References
- Optional Parameters
- Using PmtsPerYear
- Modelling Seasonality
- Calculating Interest
- Using Business Functions in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)
- Array Functions
- Volatility
- Annual Equivalent Rates
- Array Function
- Auto Multi Functions
- Variable Plurality
- GoalSeek
- Quarterly, ACT/365. DayCount: 3 Periods: 4
- Quarterly, ACT/365, UK National Business Days. DayCount:3 Periods:{4,100}
- Bespoke Periods, ACT/365, English Business Days . DayCount: 6.03 Periods: {2.22,5.22,8.22,11.22,100}
- Quarterly,30/360 US. DayCount: 1 Periods: -4
- Quarterly, 30/360 European DayCount:4 Periods:4
- Bespoke Periods, 30/360 US DayCount: 6.01 Periods: {2.22,5.22,8.22,11.22,200}
- Quarterly (US quarter days), ACT/365 for stub periods. DayCount: 63 Periods: omitted or 4
- Quarterly (US quarter days), ACT/ACT in period for stub periods. DayCount: 6 or 66 Periods: omitted or 4
- English Quarter Days, ACT/365 for stub periods. DayCount: 6.03 Periods: 13
- English Quarter Days, ACT/365 for stub periods. DayCount: 6 or 6.06 Periods: 13
- Quarterly in arrear, ACT/365. DayCount: 3 Periods: -4
- Quarterly in arrear, ACT/365, UK National Business Days. DayCount:6.03 Periods: {-4,100}
- Bespoke in arrear, ACT/365, UK National Business Days . DayCount: 6.03 Periods: {-2.22,-5.22,-8.22,-11.22,100}
- Quarterly in advance (US quarter days), ACT/365 for stub periods. DayCount: 6.03 Periods: omitted or 4
- Quarterly in advance (US quarter days), ACT/ACT in period for stub periods. DayCount: 66 Periods: omitted or 4
- English Quarter Days, ACT/365 for stub periods. DayCount: 6.03 Periods: 13
- English Quarter Days, ACT/365 for stub periods. DayCount: 6 or 6.06 Periods: 13
Examples of DayCount | |
Examples of DayCount and Periods in Cash and Accruals Mode | |
See also: Using Daycount, Calculating Interest Accruals Mode Here are some examples for functions in accruals mode (ProjMode=0):: Loan Interest Bond Interest Real Estate Cash Mode Here are some examples for functions in cash mode (ProjMode=1):: Loan Interest Real Estate Tip: In your spreadsheets, make use of the DescribeDayCount and DescribePeriods functions to make it obvious even on your printouts what daycount method you are using. |